These are all the symptoms of Alzheimer’s I can think of (12 so far)

Alzheimer’s disease is the most frequent cause of dementia. Even though loss of memory is the most typical symptom, there are others. In this post I’ll mention every symptom of Alzheimer’s I can think of.

1. Memory loss, especially of recent events

The number #1 symptom. You can’t remember recent events, like where you left your keys or your wallet.

As the disease progresses, you start forgetting older and older memories.

Finally, patients won’t remember anything but their childhood memories, which they lose towards the end stages.

2. Not recognizing familiar people

A really sad one. At some point, patients with Alzheimer’s won’t recognize their loved ones any more.

In the beginning, they start forgetting their name, but they still know who they are–they recognize them.

But then, after some time, they don’t even know them.

In some extreme cases, some patients won’t even recognize themselves in the mirror and they’ll think there is some stranger in the house (this actually happened to my own grandma).

3. Getting lost in familiar places

You know something is not right because they get lost in happens in places they’ve been to many times before, like the mall, on their way home…

4. Difficulty finding the right words

When they can’t come up with a certain word, they’ll change it for a different one, even if it doesn’t make sense.

They may not realize what’s wrong because they have aphasia–their language skills are not working the way they should.

5. They keep asking the same thing again and again

They do this because they don’t remember asking in the first place. So they end up asking the same thing just 10 minutes after you explained it to them.

If this happens, please be gentle. Don’t say something like: “I already told you 3 times!

They don’t do it on purpose and it’s very frustrating and upsetting for them.

If you yell at them, they will feel even worse.

6. Character changes

Alzheimer’s can damage several areas of your brain, including your frontal lobe.

Your frontal lobe is in charge of decisions, character and your personality and so, Alzheimer’s can mess their personality.

Some of them get more aggressive, while others get indifferent, losing their spontaneity and initiative. They can also get more anxious, irritable, or depressed.

7. They don’t know what day, month or year their are in

They get lost in time as well.

If you ask them what day it is they won’t know and depending how bad their situation, they may not know the month, season or year.

8. They make bad decisions

We use our frontal lobe to make decisions. Patients with Alzheimer’s have frontal damage, so their decisions are usually random and senseless.

After a while, you may need to choose a decision-maker, someone who will legally decide for your family member once they cannot longer do it.

That way you’ll prevent them from making reckless decisions like giving away all their money–elder people are very prone to scams and scammers really have no shame in taking advantage of the situation.

9. Difficulty completing familiar tasks

As patients lose their skills, they become hesitant.

They try to do normal things–like dressing up– but there are some steps they don’t know how to do, even if they are simple like tying their buttons.

If an old person is getting increasingly clumsy, pay attention to them. It can be a early sign of Alzheimer’s.

10. Trouble with problem-solving and planning

They have a hard time with tasks that require planning.

They lose their ability to think through problems and come up with solutions.

Over time, this can make it more difficult for them to complete everyday tasks and activities that they used to be able to handle with ease.

11. Withdrawal from hobbies and social activities

Patients with Alzheimer’s have trouble processing information. That makes it harder for them to engage in social interactions and enjoy hobbies.

As a result, they become more isolated and less engaged with the world around them.

12. Not being able to swallow and eat

This happens in very late stages. After a few years, their vital functions stop working. They choke all the time and they can barely eat.

This is a dangerous situation because food can go to their lungs instead, causing a pneumonia. Unfortunately, many patients die from this cause.


None of these symptoms is specific of Alzheimer’s. They can be due to other conditions, so it’s important to talk to a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis.

Do you know any other symptom? Tell me and I’ll add it.

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