5 Steps To Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

1. Have your regular check-ups with your doctor

Sometimes, there is a medical cause for you not to get pregnant. In that case, you better find out so you can treat it right away.

The most useful tests are:

· hormone levels: LH and FSH (the sexual hormones). If you have a very high FSH, it can be a sign of low ovarian reserve. Women with a low reserve can enter premature ovarian failure, where your ovaries stop releasing any eggs.

· STIs: there are some sexually transmitted infections (STI) that cause infertility, even if you got them a long time ago. That’s why it’s a good idea to make sure you are “clean.”

They cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which damages your fallopian tubes. That makes it more difficult for you to get pregnant. And even if you do get pregnant, there is a higher risk of an ectopic pregnancy.

· pelvic examination: some conditions “down there” can prevent you from getting pregnant. Sometimes, they’ll perform an ultrasound to rule out uterus didelphys and other malformations.

2. Keep a healthy lifestyle

Try to avoid those things that will be harmful during pregnancy.

You have to quit:

  • drugs
  • alcohol
  • smoking

Also, try to exercise every day and have a healthy diet.

Finally, it’s essential to manage your stress as well. If you are too stressed, your hormones will be out of balance, messing up your ovulation. Without ovulation, there is no pregnancy.

3. Find out your fertile window

This is the most important concept.

Your chances of getting pregnant are not the same every day of the month.

You need to find the window: the best days for you to get pregnant. So, how do you do that?

· The Calendar Method

It doesn’t require any tools and it’s simple.

It goes like this:

  1. Each of your cycles lasts 28 days. The first day of your cycle is when you get your period. Then, on day 14, ovulation happens right in the middle of your cycle
  2. The days before and after ovulation are the best days for you to get pregnant

So what should you do? Have sex every day during days 12-16.

· For example, if you get your period on the 3rd of May:

· Your ovulation will be: on the 16th of May.

· Your fertile window will be: From the 14th to the 18th.

· Other methods to find your fertile window

There are some other methods to calculate your window, but they are a little messy.

For example, you can draw a temperature chart.

Take your temperature everyday first thing in the morning and note it down in a chart.

Your temperature rises when you ovulate and is higher during the 2nd part of the cycle. So, you’ll know your ovulation is happening whenever your temperature rises.

Another method is by looking at your cervical mucus.

Insert 1 finger deep into your vagina, trying to reach your cervix.

Take it out and observe it by rolling the mucus between your fingers.

· If the mucus is sticky, you’re not ovulating yet. When the time for ovulation comes closer, the mucus will get creamy. That means you’re almost there, but not yet.

· Finally, your mucus will get wet and slightly stretchy. It will look like a raw egg white (mmm) and stretch between your fingers for an inch or more. That’s when ovulation is about to happen: time to have sex like crazy.

4. Take prenatal vitamins

There is just one crucial vitamin: folic acid.

You must get folic acid while you are pregnant, but you should start much earlier, at least 3 months before. That way, your “vitamin stock” will be full beforehand.

Folic acid prevents some terrible disorders in your baby, like spina bifida.

5. Don’t listen to popular tips

There are hundreds of “tips” regarding the best position for sex to get pregnant. Like “you should lift your legs after sex” or “do the missionary“.

They are urban legends.

The truth about those facts:

  • every position is okay, you don’t need to do the missionary or doggie-style
  • you can stand up right after sex, no need to lie down for a while
  • you can pee afterwards
  • you absolutely don’t need to insert a diaphragm to prevent sperm from coming out.

Finally, if you can’t get pregnant after 6 months, just see a specialist. They’ll study what’s wrong and explain your possible choices.

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