Using the 15-minute rule to fit exercise into your busy schedule

Finding time for exercise can seem impossible with our chaotic lives. However, a simple strategy can help you and make exercise a part of your daily routine: the 15-minute Rule.

The Power of Consistency

Consistency is the key of any successful fitness journey.
Small, regular efforts are much more effective than long, intense workouts.
Just 15 minutes of exercise a day can make a significant difference over time.
The key lies in making these short bursts of activity a consistent habit. These short, explosive workouts can improve your energy levels, moods, and fitness.
I do these quite often; they work great to clear my mind and energize me.

Why the 15-Minute Rule

The concept behind the 15-Minute Rule is simple: commit to at least 15 minutes of exercise every day.
The beauty of this rule is that it’s flexible and achievable.
Everybody can find 15 minutes a day, no matter how packed your schedule is.
Think of how long you spend with social media, checking your phone on your bed. It’s usually hours. If you can transform just 15 minutes into working out, you are ready to go.
15 minutes might seem like a very short time, but if you really engage in the activity, these workouts can:

  • increase your metabolism
  • reduce your stress
  • improve your cardiovascular health

Choosing the Right Activities

You can choose different types of exercises depending on your preferences and fitness level.
My suggestion: bodyweight workouts, brisk walks, yoga…
You’ll need minimal equipment, and you can do them in the comfort of your house.

Here’s a basic outline to help you craft your 15-minute routine:

1. Warm-up

Spend a few minutes performing stretching or doing light cardio to prepare your body.

2. Main Exercises

Then, choose 3-4 exercises targeting different muscle groups.

Do each exercise for 45 seconds to 1 minute. Then, rest for 15s.

Repeat the circuit twice.
Use proper form. Don’t break the form because you are exhausted. If you are tired, stop. Keeping the form is the best way to ensure you don’t get hurt.
Some of my favorite exercises to do from home are:

Bodyweight Squats

Bodyweight squats are great for your lower body. They target your quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, improving your strength and endurance.
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

  1. Lower your hips back and down as if sitting in an imaginary chair. Keep your chest up and your knees tracking over your toes.
  2. Go as low as your flexibility allows while maintaining proper form. Push through your heels to return to the starting position.
2 women doing bodyweight squats on CrossFit boxes
Squats are great for your lower body. You don’t need any weights. Just do them slowly; you’ll feel your muscles burning.


Push-ups are great for your upper body. They engage your chest, shoulders, and triceps.

  1. Start in a high plank position with your hands slightly wider than shoulders.
  2. Lower your body towards the ground by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your sides.
  3. Go as low as your strength allows without letting your hips sag.
  4. Push through your palms to extend your arms and return to the starting position. Modify push-ups by dropping to your knees if needed.
Man doing push-ups as part of the 15-minute rule routine
Push ups: they are great for your arms, shoulders, chest and core/abdomen.


Crunches are fantastic for your “six-pack” muscles. They strengthen your core muscles and improve abdominal definition.

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head.
  2. Engage your core and lift your head, shoulders, and upper back off the ground while exhaling.
  3. Inhale as you lower your upper body back down
Woman doing oblique crunches as part of her 15-minute rule routine
Crunches. This is a variant called oblique crunches. Start doing regular crunches and then go from there.

If you prefer, you may choose any routine you want. You can do yoga, pilates, running… anything you enjoy.

3. Cool Down

During the last minutes, do some light stretching to help your body recover.

Track your progress to stay motivated

Jot down the exercises you’ve completed, the time spent, and how you felt afterward.
It will give you a record of your improvement. When you look back and see how much you’ve improved, you’ll get an incredible boost in your motivation.
Increase the repetitions little by little. You could do ten push-ups in the first week. Then, increase it to 12 push-ups for the second week.
After a few months, you may want to increase your 15 minutes because that will feel “like nothing.”

A little note with some exercise repetitions written on it
You can use a small notebook to write down your progress.


Even on busy days, 15 minutes is attainable. Just stick to the plan.
Consistency, no matter how small, is the key to reaping the benefits of regular exercise. So, start today—just 15 minutes at a time.

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