Everything you need to know about COCAINE

* The goal of this post is not to induce anyone to try cocaine. It’s the opposite. By the end of this post, I hope you’ll understand the terrible stuff that cocaine will do to your health.

What’s cocaine?

Cocaine is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. More than 2.2 million people use cocaine in the USA.

It comes from the coca leaf after a process of refinement.

Once it becomes powder, people use it as a recreational drug to make them feel euphoric and unstoppable.

But everything has a price, and I’m not talking about money.

How do you consume it?

To make an effect, cocaine must reach your blood and brain.

There are several ways to consume it, and even though the effects are the same, the timing and duration will differ.

· Snorted through your nose: The most common way. The effect takes up to 10 minutes to start.

· Smoked: Also known as “crack.” It’s faster; the effects start 10 seconds after you smoke it.

· Intravenous injection: It is the fastest method and the most dangerous. The effect is immediate. If you inject yourself, the chances you’ll get addicted are close to 100%.

Ways to consume cocaine
There are several ways to consume cocaine, “snorted” being the most common. In depressed neighborhoods, crack is also very common.

What are cocaine’s effects?

The first hour after you take cocaine, everything seems fun–that’s why people take it.

You will feel very energetic, happy, and confident. Like there is nothing you can’t do.

Add some immense pleasure and euphoria, and there you have it. That’s what cocaine feels like.

It sounds great, doesn’t it? However, this part lasts for only 30-90 minutes.

After that comes the tricky part.

As these great feelings start to fade, they get replaced by the opposite:

Euphoria turns into depression, energy into fatigue, confidence into insecurity.

Basically, now you are feeling like shit. So what do you do?

You take more coke. Because each “shot” lasts 90 minutes, consumers must take coke several times a night.

How to know if somebody is using cocaine – physical symptoms

Some physical signs will show if a person is using:

  • Dilated pupils: their pupils get huge. You can barely see any of the colored parts of their eyes.
  • Tooth-grinding: they rub their lower jaw against the upper jaw involuntarily.
  • Extreme thirst: they constantly drink water and usually carry a bottle with them.
  • Nosebleeds: most consumers snort cocaine through their nose, so they get nosebleeds (and septal perforations).
  • They don’t sleep.
  • They talk non-stop.
You can sometimes tell somebody is using cocaine because of these signs.

How does cocaine work?

Cocaine messes with your brain by increasing several neurotransmitters:

1. Noradrenaline

It is responsible for your “fight or flight” responses. It is useful when there is danger around you because it makes you alert.

However, if it is too high for too long (like with coke), it leads to agitation and paranoia.

You’ll get the feeling that there is imminent danger around you all the time.

2. Serotonin

Serotonin is the “happiness” substance. It makes you happy, satisfied, and confident.

It rises when we are in love, putting us in a good mood.

Cocaine causes your serotonin to skyrocket, so you feel a false sense of confidence and self-esteem.

3. Dopamine

The “pleasure” hormone, or “joy” hormone. It is a key in all types of addictions.

Dopamine makes you feel euphoric and mightily rewarded.

It rises with sugar, gambling, porn, etc., and is the substance that makes us want more and more.

If you have any addictions, thank dopamine.

Why is it so addictive? The dark side of cocaine


Dependency is when your body and brain become so used to having cocaine that you feel like you need it all the time.

You rely on cocaine to feel normal or happy, even though it’s really bad for you.

Cocaine will mess up your brain’s reward system, making it more difficult to find pleasure and reward in your day-to-day without the drug.

Cocaine is so powerful that you may get hooked the first time you use it.


Tolerance is when your body gets used to cocaine, so it needs more and more of it to feel the same effects.

Because your body will adapt, it will become less responsive to coke’s effects over time. The feelings of euphoria and reward will not be so strong the second time you use it.

But that’s risky because overdosing will be closer every time.

Graphic showing tolerance: the more you use, the higher the dose you need.
Cocaine tolerance: the more you use, the higher the dose you’ll need. However, if the dose is too high, you’ll get OD.


Withdrawal happens when you try to stop using cocaine after using it a lot.

People going through cocaine withdrawal can feel anxious, tired, and even sick. It’s a tough time, but it’s an essential step toward getting better and stopping cocaine use.

Some people say it feels like going crazy.

It starts with a feeling of anxiety and depression. The energy washes off, and you feel tired and fatigued.

You’ll be really hungry and sleepy, with intense cravings. However, if you eat a lot, you will vomit.

Then, you will get agitated and even have suicidal ideas.

If that’s not enough, some people get delusional parasitosis: they trip and see thousands of insects crawling on their skin. Lovely.

You want it to stop? Just consume again.

If you take some coke, these symptoms will stop immediately.

Still wonder why it’s so hard to quit cocaine?

Overdose (OD)

An overdose happens when you take way too much cocaine at once, and your body gets overwhelmed.

If you get an OD, you’ll get unconscious. In fact, some people die.

Last year, 16,167 people died from cocaine overdose in the United States.

The signs of an OD are:

– seizures

– stroke

– brain hemorrhage

– heart attacks

When it comes to OD, there isn’t any specific antidote. If an ambulance arrives on time, they will use support measures: intubation, i.v. fluids, resuscitation…

Comparison between how much harm different drugs do. Graphic
Comparison of “harm caused by different drugs.” As you can see, cocaine (both powder and crack) ranks really high. Alcohol is king here because of how many people drink it (which is a lot).

How to treat cocaine addiction

If you are trying to get out of the hole yourself, you will need all the help at hand. In this case that would be therapy and some medications.

Behavioral therapy

Therapists will help you understand why you started using cocaine and how to stop it.

There are several ways to do it.

Some methods help you recognize your triggers for drug use. That way, you can build different skills to avoid drug use.

Others use rewards to encourage abstinence. You will be rewarded with prizes or privileges for drug-free urine tests or for meeting treatment goals.


There are no specific medications for cocaine addiction. However, some drugs may help with the cravings and bad feelings that come when you stop using cocaine.

Some helpful drugs are:

  • Medications for anxiety
  • For depression
  • Drugs to sleep better

If you have to take just one point home, take this: never try cocaine for the first time. That’s the easiest way not to get hooked.

Consuming cocaine is a sure way to destroy yourself and your relationships with your friends and family.


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